Game Translation/Localization / localization_en

As the boom in the gaming industry continues, this market is expected to keep growing as new platforms for gaming are born. Under these circumstances, there is growing demand across the globe for localization services from those who wish to deliver Japanese content to the world or enter the large Japanese market.

Localization is not simply a matter of swapping out words, but rather adapting a work to the culture and needs of the local audience.
As such, unlike business translation, which demands strict accuracy, localization requires a creativity similar to film and drama subtitling or dub translation. Furthermore, since games include unique expressions and slang, it is vital that translators are deeply familiar with the language used in games.

At Amitt, we have a lineup of creative localizers who are not only knowledgeable about games, but also highly skilled in expressing tone and nuance through language. Equipped with both knowledge and linguistic creativity, our translation teams are capable of providing high quality localization services which don’t destroy the carefully built world view of the game.

In addition to the games themselves, we also provide translation and localization for the store pages of Steam, Google Play, App Store, and each game console, as well as websites and promotional materials. Please feel free to inquire about our services.

A multilingual expert, Amitt provides fun and global game translation

Characteristics of Amitt’s game translation services

Industry-leading multilingual capabilities

At Amitt, we have been providing game translation and localization services since 2017, utilizing our multilingual translation know-how cultivated over 13 years.
In the current market, interest in games has expanded beyond Japan and English-speaking countries to reach the entire world, including China. Our multilingual capabilities make Amitt a one-stop-shop to delivering the enjoyment of games to fans across the world.

Staff well-versed in games

Customers will communicate with Amitt staff, who possess a deep knowledge and passion for games.
Since our staff can not only select the most suitable translators to meet the needs of your game, but also provide information about topics outside of translation, such as the newest trends in Japan and overseas, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Quality check by native speaking translators

At Amitt, we conduct LQA (language quality assurance) for the major languages. In addition to linguistic expressions, our native translators will carefully check the quality of localizations, include matters related to display, such as fonts.

Maintaining efficiency and accuracy through translation assistance tools

At Amitt, we are proactively implementing the use of translation assistance tools. By doing this, we are able to maintain the consistency of the overall game content which may include many proper nouns while ensuring the efficiency of the translation process.
This allows us to provide timely services capable of responding to the ever-accelerating process of game development.

Available language pairs

Japanese to English, Korean, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional)
English, Korean, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional) to Japanese

We have successfully completed numerous projects in the above language pairs.
Please feel free to contact us about other rare language pairs.


Translation prices are calculated by multiplying source characters/words by the base rate.
Base rates vary based on the language and content of the translation.
The standard base rates are listed below. However, since rates can change depending on source formatting and desired deadline, please contact us directly for details. We will provide a quote free of charge.

Japanese to Requested language

English Korean Chinese
Japanese to Requested language 11 yen ~ 8 yen ~ 8 yen ~ 9 yen ~ 12 yen ~

Requested language to Japanese

English Korean Chinese
Requested language to Japanese 13 yen ~ 8 yen ~ 8 yen ~ 9 yen ~ 14 yen ~

Work flow

Before issuing a quote, we will check the source text and reference materials and confirm character limits, terminology, character information, and the world view of the game. After translation begins, we will use a QA sheet from time to time to discuss with the customer if a question emerges.

The translation will be conducted by a native speaker of the target language. For instance, a native English speaker will translate material from Japanese to English, while a native Japanese speaker will translate material from other languages to Japanese.

After the translation is complete, a different staff member will edit the translation while comparing the source and target texts. They will discuss the translation with the translator as needed to create a suitable translation/localization.

After the editing, a proofreader will check if there are any erroneous or missing characters in the translation or if there are any consistency issues with tone, etc.

After completing this process, the product is delivered to the customer.

In addition, it is also possible to add a LQA step to the above process. We are able to provide a more complete translation/localization by conducting checks after implementing translation data into the game. Please consider this option for your next project.

Request process

1. Details confirmation

Please fill in the required items in our Inquiry Form and submit it to us.
Following this, an Amitt coordinator will confirm the following details if needed.

  • Source formatting
  • Terminology materials
  • Desired delivery date
  • Budget
  • Deliverables format
  • Other requests

2. Notification of quote and delivery date

Quote amount will vary based on the source text volume, content, desired services and deadlines, delivery format, etc. We can provide a more detailed quote if sent the actual source text.

3. Official order and contracting

Please provide materials such as the final source text and reference materials when issuing a request. After confirming the status of the data, we will officially begin the translation/localization. Depending on the details of the project, we may request the customer sign a contract.

Past projects

PC action game English to Japanese 72,000 words
Adventure game English to Japanese 9,000 words
Mobile puzzle game English to Japanese 120,000 words
Puzzle game Japanese to English and Korean 440,000 characters
MMORPG Korean to Japanese 230,000 characters
Simulation game Chinese (Simplified) to Japanese 13,000 characters translated & LQA environment


For inquiries, please contact us by phone (81-3-6661-0015) or email.
(Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays.)